Flexible Working
This is the place where you can have greater opportunities for flexible working
A place where colleagues are given greater choice in when, where and how they work. We understand the importance of balancing work and home life. We are committed to supporting flexible working for our people wherever possible and give all NCA employees an opportunity to discuss potential for flexible working at any point in their career.
Flexible working relates to the Northern Care Alliance’s working arrangements for time, location and patterns of working as well as career development and cross sector working where possible, which supports the mutual benefit of both the individual and the organisation.
Options for flexible working might include:
Flexibility at Work
Our people, their stories
Agile Working
Lisa - Deputy Imaging Quality & Safety Manager
I have worked at Salford for 25 years in a clinical role. My husband took the decision to retire this year and was keen to relocate to Norfolk which is where my family are based.
My intention was to resign from my post at Salford and look for something in Norfolk in the new year. Fortunately, an opportunity came up within Radiology which would potentially enable me to work remotely. I spoke with my line manager who was very supportive of the idea as was the clinical lead. As a consequence, I am now undertaking my role from my new home.
All the access I needed was really easy to sort with the IT department and I undertook a trial run to ensure I could connect easily. I no longer have a 1 ½ hour commute to work each day and use this time to take the dog for an early morning walk on the nearby beach. It’s early days, but I anticipate the move will have a positive impact on my wellbeing and I am already feeling the evidence of this. It has also enabled the department to retain my skills and experience which they would have otherwise lost.
Condensed Hours
Lisa - Operational and Clinical Lead for Community Services
I joined the NCA in May 2022 from Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh as a Operational and Clinical Lead for Community Services. Prior to joining the NCA I had a flexible working arrangement in place to work condensed hours (over 4 days a week).
At the time I was a part time carer for my mum. Without this agreement being in place I would not have been able to do this. Working condensed hours allowed me to continue working and to spend time with my mum during her last few months of life. She passed away about 6 months before I started at the NCA.
When I started at the NCA I wanted to look at flexible working again as I had experienced the benefits of this way of working. I applied for flexible working with full support from my line manager and now work a 9 day a fortnight. This allows me to have 1 day off every 2 weeks. I started the new hours in June this year and I can honestly say this has changed my work life balance by enabling me to spend more quality time with my family.
Caring Responsibilities
Trudy - Head of Patient/Service User Experience
I have a corporate role at NCA and caring responsibilities for my elderly father who has two palliative conditions which he needs to attend regular hospital appointments for. My dad has poor mobility and does not drive, and my mum suffers from health issues which means she cannot support my dad in any practical sense.
I have an informal flexible working arrangement at work which allows me to assist my dad, as and when required. Any time I need to take to get him to and from hospital and make necessary calls to coordinate care etc. is honoured and respected. I feel supported by management and my peers.
We are a busy team and so, by personal choice, I always make any time up; however, I feel supported enough to know if I needed to ask for further help, it would be granted without question.
I am lucky to work in a caring team with colleagues checking in regularly regards my own welfare.
Compressed Hours
Rachel - Practice Based Educator
Originally I worked 30 hours over 7 days (3 long shifts per week). I requested to increase my hours to 37.5 but over 4 days (Monday to Friday). Even though I now work more days, I’m able to do the school drop off and pick up once a week. I’m able to be flexible in when my hours finish which means I can take my children to after school activities and can also attend parents evenings, sports days etc.
My husband is also a manager and works long hours. He is extremely supportive of my working week and between us we are able to accommodate both our shift schedules to ensure our children are picked up and dropped off at nursery on time.
I feel having that downtime of 3 days gives me the opportunity to spend more time with family and to not think about work. I did struggle initially with the work-life balance as I was more used to days off in the week where home things could get done. However, it does massively benefit me and my family, and we have the family time in the evenings and I have more time to spend with my husband and friends now.